Microblading: Eyebrow Design, Healing Time + Before & After

  • Updated October 10, 2023
  • by Honey Seida


Microblading is a revolutionary semi-permanent cosmetic procedure that has taken the beauty world by storm, offering a solution for achieving flawless eyebrows.

Microblading is more than a beauty procedure; Microblading an art form that empowers individuals to achieve their ideal eyebrows. With its natural appearance, lasting results, and customized approach, microblading has earned its place as a transformative beauty treatment.

If you've been yearning for effortlessly beautiful brows, microblading might be the solution you've been looking for. Say goodbye to daily brow maintenance and hello to perfect eyebrows that frame your face beautifully, giving you confidence in your appearance every day.

What Is Microblading

Microblading refers to shading and symmetrizing eyebrows using an exceptionally fine tattoo pen and ink to shape the eyebrows and beautify the face.
Microblading is performed by trained experts using special tools to draw hairlines. several fine needles are tapped to add pigments to the skin in this method. 

Microblading Eyebrow Design Healing Time

Microblading Chatswood

When it comes to microblading in Chatswood, Brilliant Skin Australia stands out as the best choice. With our expertise and attention to detail, we offer exceptional microblading services to our clients.

Best Microblading Chatswood

if you're looking to enhance your eyebrows or achieve a natural and flawless look, trust Brilliant Skin Australia for the best microblading experience in Chatswood.

Benefits of Microblading

With microblading, The hatch lines are created irregularly and unequally between eyebrow hairs, producing a more natural shape than other techniques.
Additionally, the Scratches created in this technique are superficial, resulting in less bleeding.

Before and After Microblading

A lot of what the results of your microblading procedure will be like has to do with care observed before and after the treatment.  

Before Microblading

  • Do not consume omega-3 a week before microblading
  • Do not stay under intense sunlight for three days before the treatment
  • Avoid energy drinks on the day you are going to have microblading
  • Do not take aspirin, vitamin E, niacin and ibuprofen 24 hours before microblading
  • Avoid caffeinated drinks on the day of the treatment
  • No waxing and removing eyebrows two days before microblading
  • Refrain from tanning three days before the procedure

Microblading for the beauty of thin eyebrows

Microblading Aftercare

  1. If your eyebrows become red and itchy after microblading, you can reduce the discomfort with the help of some Vaseline.
  2. If after microblading, the colour of your eyebrows seems too strong, do not panic. This is completely natural and there is no need to worry because within the first week after the procedure, the intensity will reduce to 70 to 60 percent of what you see now.
  3. For a few days after microblading, avoid activities that lead to excessive sweating.
  4. Avoid washing your eyebrows for a few days, or if you absolutely have to wash them, avoid rubbing your eyebrows while doing so.
  5. Do not use sunscreen and cosmetics in the eyebrow area for ten days
  6. Avoid scratching if you feel itchy
  7. Avoid spicy foods for a week.
  8. Do not sleep in the area where you have had microblading for a couple of days.

Well-shaped and beautiful eyebrows with microblading

Microblading Duration

Microblading is not difficult and time-consuming, but since it deals with the face and beauty and should be performed relative to the face and its details, two hours should be spent to achieve a good outcome.

Microblading Healing Process

During the first seven days, the microbladed skin may itch, which is normal. Itching and inflammation can be soon resolved through proper care. The healing time varies in different people according to the skin type from 14 to 30 days.

Microblading Pain

Microblading is associated with slight pain, like tattooing. The level of pain depends on the individual's tolerance, and some people feel more pain. However, the pain is generally tolerable and can be reduced through the use of local anaesthesia.

Microblading is the least expensive semi-permanent eyebrow makeup


Who Should Avoid Microblading?

  • People who suffer from serious conditions such as cancer, epilepsy and autoimmune disorders
  • People who take blood thinners
  • Pregnant women
  • Women who breastfeed their babies
  • People who have any kind of blood or circulation disorder

micro befor and after

Microblading Eyebrows

In order to provide the client with the best eyebrow microblading experience possible, the desired eyebrows are designed on the face using a pencil. Then the design is modified according to the client's opinion.

The best design is close to the natural form of eyebrows and does not affect the face's normal appearance. After confirming the form, the best color is chosen according to the face shape and color and the skin type with the client's cooperation.

Microblading can bring about the most beautiful and natural changes in the eyebrows with the least amount of manipulation.

Microblading semi-permanent tattoo technique

Eyebrow Microblading Touch-up

Touch-up should be performed 4 to 5 weeks after the first microblading when the wound is healed. The microbladed eyebrows will be repaired in several steps. The pigments will be deposited and gain a normal state over time. Therefore, do not worry if some pigments come out of the eyebrows after microblading and use sunscreen SPF 30 or 50 to avoid sunlight.

Eyebrow Tattoo vs Microblading

Microblading is actually a subset of tattoo and hatching, but newer and semi-permanent. The distinction is not that simple though. There are nuances of difference both in the procedure and the results when it comes to tattoo vs microblading.

  Tattoo Micrroblading
Procedure A tattoo machine is used Microblading is considered a hand-drawing method
Colour The colour may change to an unpleasant green, blue or even red The dyes will not change colour
Longevity Is permanent Is semi-permanent – can be corrected or reshaped
Pain Is painful Microblading involves less discomfort
Pigment Regular tattoo ink Special pigmentation


Microblading Versus Micropigmentation

In eyebrow microblading, a pen to which the blade is attached is used. The blade consists of a row of needles, giving it a shape of a comb is entered into the skin with the pigments as hatch lines. Compared to tattooing, the lines are more natural and fine in this technique.

Microblading is performed at a higher level of the skin than micropigmentation; thus, it is painless and less durable but finer than micropigmentation. This technique is preferred by those who are seeking a stunning natural look.

Tools used in these techniques differ. A handheld engine-free pen is used for Microblading while a device pen with different needles and a cartridge is used in micropigmentation.
The hatch lines are thin and superficial in Microblading, giving a more natural look than hatches created by Micropigmentation.

Microblading FAQs

How long does microblading last?

Microblading is usually performed on eyebrows to give them a shade or improve or modify them. In microblading, the pigment is inserted to the upper layer of the dermis, so the pigments penetrate deeper and sooner to the dermis compared to tattooing. Based on the skin type, microblading effects last for 6 to 12 months, after which the pigments will vanish.

Does microblading hurt?

Most Clients report only minor discomfort or pressure and less pain due to the use of numbing creams. As with everything else, this will depend on anyone’s threshold of pain tolerance.

Thickening eyebrows with microblading

Can you workout after microblading?

You should refrain from exercising for seven days after microblading. Light exercise with minimal sweating is allowed, but you should clean the tattooed area with lukewarm water as soon as the training is over. Salt in sweat removes pigments very quickly.

Does microblading cause hair loss?

Microblading does not affect the natural growth of your hair.

Can you microblade yourself?

Definitely not. Performing such an aggressive procedure on your face can be dangerous. Proper skin elasticity is very important to achieve ideal results with microblading. Without adequate pressure and stretching, you will damage your skin.

Changes before and after microblending

Can I wear makeup after microblading?

Avoid eyebrow makeup for at least two weeks after microblading. Having makeup on the rest of your face is OK.

Can you microblade over old tattoo?

Yes, sometimes you can microblade over old tattoo. However, the old tattoo should have faded considerably.


Services PRICE
Eyebrows Microblading $750
eyebrows touch up after 18 months $450
eyebrows touch up after 6 months $300
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